Modern and classic designs, excellent quality, state-of-the-art technology, smartness and passion for inspiring structures
Since 2016, MC RED has managed to be established and leave its mark through renovative styles of construction and luxurious projects which stand out in the Southern suburbs of Athens. Our team consists of highly qualified architects, engineers, interior designers and financial consultants, all supervised by highly experienced constructors. Our constructions are unique due to their luxurious design which combines affordable ideas with appropriate spatial planning.
Our responsibility is building & creating the spaces that people live in, raise their families in, and grow old in.
Housing is also the essential building block of a neighborhood, and therefore a key ingredient for a successful, living, urban environment.
We are a construction company consisted of engineers, architects, designers and planners out to change the world.
We believe in the importance of designing sustainably.

We believe that architecture and design matter.
We believe that through the application of our skills, passion, hard work and expertise we can make a difference in the world.
We are committed to equity in access to affordable housing.